Publish Date

February 24, 2020

Dealership Aerial

As one of the world’s largest media platforms and 94% of its traffic coming from mobile devices, Facebook has evolved into an all-encompassing social media channel that allows you to directly reach audiences of any kind. As a result, more dealerships than ever are utilizing the site to increase sales thanks to a multitude of tools offered by Facebook tailored to help sales professionals secure more leads and close deals.

As a result, the social media juggernaut has created the “Facebook Dealer Playbook,” a free digital document providing resources that can help influence car buyers and increase sales through advertising on the site.

The 32-page playbook covers every aspect of using Facebook to its full potential in marketing your dealership. From the basics, such as creating your business page, to more advanced topics such as creating and running an advertising campaign, you’ll find a wealth of educational assets that will ultimately benefit your dealership.

Roughly 78% of customers plan to buy within three months. However, most have no idea where they will buy. Wouldn’t it be great to be out in front of this audience as they make their decision? By utilizing some of the tips and techniques offered by Facebook’s Dealer Playbook, you’ll be ahead of the game by creating top-of-mind awareness for your dealership through targeted campaigns that will drive foot traffic to your door.

Learn how by downloading the Facebook Dealer Playbook.